SuperPower Self Assessment
People often say you are

Which of the following would people say is more true about you?

Which of the following would people say is more true about you?

When a team you are working on is stuck on something, you are more likely to

On a team, you are more likely to

Are you more likely to be described as

Would people describe you as more of

Are you more inclined to

Which statement is more resonant for you?

Others would say you are accurately described as

Others would say that you are

Would others say you are more

Are you more likely to be described as

You often hear people say that you

Which statement is more resonant for you?

Are you more likely to be described as

When faced with sharing difficult news, are you likely to

Are you more likely to be described as

You often hear people say that you have

Are you more likely to be described as

Are you more likely to be described as

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